Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

being a man is not as easy as you think....... we will face a lot of problems in our live. man is a creature who is very unique. we are affected strong power, wisdom, faith, and so many amazing things by God. if we have big power, we can have whatever we want. the world could be ours when we are having power. but sometimes, we cry.......... immediately, the power we have is gone so far away. do you know why?????? it's due to a confusing thing named WOMAN. she will beat us and lots all the powers we have. that's why as o strong man, we have to take care from her. think it deeply

kursus bahasa inggris

for u guys who wants to study English with us..... please join to REC.talking about REC, it's a speaking club that encourage you guys to be able to speak English well. we also have a lot of games. in REC, we can not only study, but also we can have fun and make new friends. if u are interested in this program. just contact this phone number 085649986110. remember, with English, we can do many things. enlightening our future is one of the advantage we can get by mastering English